Tag Archives: daydream

Desolation in the crowd

Hey there,

my name is Henni and today I want to talk about a feeling I had on monday this week. Me and a friend of mine went shopping for some trousers and shirts. Even though we visited many stores I could not concentrate myself on the mission. It was like I wasn’t there. Like being in another dimension but was hold in a body searching for some blue jeans.

It’s a strange feeling and I hope no one of you has this. Most likely many of you fall into daydreams and have to be awaken. So we went on and my friend asked me out of a sudden: “We don’t have to go through the stores if you don’t want to. Or do you?”

It hit me like a minitruck ( had not such an impact because it was only a daydream and not an emotional state of mine of which I was ripped out.

The feeling of not truly being there is awful. When you are woken up it’s like being raised out of a warm bath where everything was smooth and soft. The real world feels too sharp too real to perceive. However the world clock ticks and ticks merciless and I’m hanging on one pointer threatened to fall off when it’s half o’clock.

Did you ever had a feeling of not quite getting the grip of a situation you were in? How did you fell afterwards? Let me know in the comments. 🙂

I wish you an awesome day,
